Title: Deacon Reads Tom’s Diary and Makes an Unbelievable Discovery | Bold and Beautiful Spoilers
In a dramatic turn, Deacon mourns the tragic death of his friend Tom,
suspecting foul play despite official reports of an accidental overdose.
Determined to uncover the truth, Deacon sifts through Tom’s
belongings and stumbles upon his diary. Inside, a shocking revelation awaits:
Tom confesses to a clandestine affair with Poppy and hints that Bill might be Luna’s real father.
Stunned by this revelation, Deacon confronts Luna, urging her to delve deeper into her paternity.
Despite initial DNA tests pointing to Bill, Luna remains skeptical and decides to retest, unsure if she can trust her mother’s account of the past.
As the mystery unfolds, the question remains: who is Luna’s true father? Is it Bill, Tom, or could there be another surprising twist awaiting them all?
Stay tuned as this gripping saga unfolds, promising more twists and turns than ever before.
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