In a shocking turn of events, Emmerdale’s Moira Dingle and Mackenzie Boyd are in hot water after being arrested for kidnapping. Their desperate attempt to free Matty Barton from prison led to their downfall. The siblings’ plan to get Samson Dingle to confess the truth about Matty’s wrongful imprisonment backfired dramatically in Thursday’s episode.
Matty ended up in prison after Samson falsely accused him of an unprovoked stabbing. However, viewers know the stabbing was accidental, caused by Samson’s friend Josh pushing Matty while he held a kitchen knife. Moira was heartbroken when she discovered Matty had been beaten in his cell. Determined to clear Matty’s name, she and Mackenzie decided to kidnap Samson and force a confession.
They brought Samson to Butler’s Farm, where Moira made emotional pleas, highlighting the struggles of transgender individuals like Matty and the pain she has endured since the death of her daughter Holly Barton. Samson finally admitted that Josh was behind the attack but insisted it was pointless to tell the police since Josh would deny everything. Mackenzie then proposed that Samson and Matty lie to the police, claiming Josh was the attacker.
Persuaded, Moira drove Samson to the police station, but he refused to let her accompany him inside. Unfortunately, Samson had no intention of telling the truth and instead reported Moira and Mackenzie for kidnapping. The police soon arrived at Butler’s Farm, arresting the shocked siblings. This turn of events left Moira’s husband, Cain, reeling. The big question now is whether Cain will take action against Samson following this betrayal.