The plotline surrounding Tom King and his wife, Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor Draper), has taken a dark turn with recent spoilers from Emmerdale. Charity Dingle is deeply worried about Tom’s upcoming job interview in Wales, especially given their abrupt departure from the village. Over the phone, she confesses to Cain Dingle that Tom reminds her of Mark Bails. The next day, Cain is anxious as he can’t reach Belle either. After learning that Belle has been missing her mental health appointments, a concerned Charity decides to break into the couple’s home to uncover their whereabouts.
Inside, they are startled by Tom’s surveillance equipment. Charity quickly discovers Belle’s phone hidden in a drawer and an address for a property in Wales written in Tom’s budget book. Cain and Charity decide to head to Wales to look for Belle.
When they arrive at the dilapidated vacation home, they are horrified to find blood on the walls and no sign of Belle. The audience is then transported back to the beginning of the week through flashback scenes. Initially, Belle and Tom are thrilled to have arrived at the vacation home, looking content and in love. However, Belle is disappointed to realize she left her phone behind. Despite this, she remains optimistic about the vacation.
Soon after, Belle becomes uneasy when she overhears Tom making plans to extend their stay at the cottage. The flashbacks reveal that what started as an enjoyable trip quickly turned into a terrifying ordeal for Belle. As the week progresses, viewers will witness Belle’s distress and the sinister turn of events that lead to her disappearance.
Will Charity and Cain find Belle before it’s too late? The suspense is high as Emmerdale residents grapple with this horrifying discovery and the mystery of Belle’s fate unfolds.