Kim Tate is on the verge of losing everything in Emmerdale as an unexpected adversary emerges. In Monday’s episode, Rose Jackson remains missing. It was revealed that Kim Tate and Will Taylor abandoned her at a remote location, later finding only her bag and possessions but no sign of Rose. Since then, Kim and Will have grown suspicious of each other, each fearing the other might have done something terrible to Rose. As their lies and excuses accumulate, tensions between them escalate.
Although Kim has returned to Home Farm after a stint at the B&B, the couple still aren’t sharing a bed, and the atmosphere remains strained. Ruby Fox Milligan’s scheme to use Rose to drive a wedge between Kim and Will appears to be working. While Kim believes she has regained control, she takes delight in revealing Ruby’s actions to Caleb, telling him that Ruby had been paying Rose to sabotage her marriage.
Caleb was once Kim’s primary adversary, plotting to dismantle her empire as revenge for his father Frank Tate’s death. He even pushed his son Nicky into a sham marriage with Gabby Thomas as part of his elaborate plan. Although Kim exposed Caleb’s plot, his ambitions didn’t wane. It now seems that Caleb, not Ruby, is the true threat Kim should fear.
In a sinister turn, Caleb took Ruby to a remote location, boasting about his plans to build an empire right on Kim’s doorstep using the insurance payout from his recently burned-down car firm—a payout he secured through bribery. He warned Ruby that targeting Kim was a mistake, emphasizing that Kim loves power and status more than anything.
As Caleb and Ruby sealed their partnership with a kiss, a new phase of their plan to bring down Kim Tate was set in motion, leaving Kim blindsided by the betrayal. This shocking twist promises significant upheaval in Emmerdale, w