In an unexpected twist on Emmerdale, Victoria’s world is turned upside down following a shocking discovery. In the latest spoiler video, Victoria inadvertently makes a major blunder when she drives Eric Pollard to an old friend’s funeral. While Eric is busy catching up with someone about his wife’s shingles, Victoria is left holding the flowers and decides to sit beside a man dressed for the occasion.
Victoria assumes the man might be a former student of the deceased, mistakenly referring to the woman as Barbara, when in fact, her name was something else. The man corrects her, revealing that Barbara was his mother. As Victoria tries to make light of the situation, the man reveals that he’s avoiding sympathy because he’s mourning his own mother.
The real bombshell drops later when Eric informs Victoria that the man she spoke to is actually her half-brother, John Sugden. Victoria and John share the same father, Jack Sugden, but have different mothers. Victoria, who had no idea she had another sibling, is stunned by this revelation.
Actress Isabelle Hodgins, who plays Victoria, expressed her excitement about the new family dynamic, despite the rocky start. Victoria is eager to build a relationship with John, even though he is initially resistant. She’s determined to convince him to stay and become part of her life, despite his firm stance against it. John, though not unkind, is clear about his reluctance to integrate into Victoria’s family, leading to a heartfelt yet challenging situation for both siblings.