In the latest twist from Emmerdale, tensions rise as Dawn and Billy resort to a shocking lie regarding Rose’s disappearance. With Dawn growing increasingly desperate to find her mother, Rose, after she mysteriously vanished, the truth is proving harder to conceal.
Viewers know that Will and Kim forced Rose to leave Home Farm after discovering her secretive plotting. The situation took a darker turn when a Home Farm SUV ominously approached Rose, leading to her belongings being found abandoned by the roadside.
In the episode aired on Friday, August 23, Dawn confided in Will that her baby son, Ian, might need a bone marrow transplant due to his ongoing cancer treatment. She urged that the entire family, including Rose, needed to be tested as potential donors, saying, “We all need to get tested, no exceptions. I’m going to do everything I can to find Rose.”
In a desperate bid to stop Dawn’s search, Will, with Kim’s earlier help, retrieved Rose’s phone, which Kim had stolen weeks before. To prevent Dawn from uncovering the truth, Will replied to her heartfelt message as if he were Rose, telling Dawn that she was never coming back.
The episode ended with Dawn confiding in Billy over the phone, revealing that Will had believed every word. Dawn expressed her guilt, admitting, “I hate lying about Ian needing a transplant, but it’s the only way. Will is not going to know what’s hit him tomorrow.”
The storyline is set to take an even more dramatic turn as the consequences of this lie unfold. Stay tuned for the fallout in the next episodes of Emmerdale.