Emmerdale has officially confirmed the departure of Samson Dingle, marking the end of his 18-year journey on the show. In the emotionally charged episode that aired on Tuesday, August 6th, Samson was sentenced to four years in prison after being arrested for assaulting his former friend, Josh Cope.
The episode stirred up intense speculation within the Dingle family about who might have turned Samson in, with Cain suspecting that Moira could have done it out of revenge for Samson framing Matty for the stabbing at the HOP. Tensions escalated when Lydia arrived at the Woolpack to announce Samson’s sentencing. She immediately accused Moira of being the one who had reported Samson to the authorities. However, Moira defended herself, insisting, “You’re wrong, my dear. It wasn’t me.” Cain stood by Moira, affirming his belief in her innocence by saying, “I believe her because she’s my wife. Now look somewhere else for your grass.”
As the Dingle family became more fractured than ever, Sam Dingle faced the heartbreaking task of taking his son, Samson, to begin his prison sentence. In a tearful farewell, father and son expressed their love for each other before Sam broke down as Samson was led away to serve his time.
Meanwhile, Amelia Spencer was deeply troubled by the impact Samson’s imprisonment would have on their daughter, Esther. Already burdened by the fact that her own father, Dan Spencer, was behind bars, Amelia confided in her boyfriend, Noah Dingle, that Esther’s life would become even more difficult with her father in prison too.
Despite Noah’s defense that Samson’s actions could have killed Josh if he hadn’t intervened, Amelia was furious. Unable to cope with the situation, she ordered Noah to leave, bringing the episode to a tense close.