In Emmerdale, tensions are rising as Kim Tate sets her sights on Ruby Fox Milligan, putting her in grave danger. Kim’s sultry soap opera persona is making a dramatic return, much to the delight of fans. Following a significant fallout with his family, Will Taylor (Dean Andrews) was kicked out of Home Farm. His ex-wife Rose has been desperate for reconciliation, even going so far as to spike Will’s drink to get him into bed, a plan that backfired when their daughter Dawn took a sip and wrecked her car.
Ruby has been manipulating Rose into seeking revenge on Kim, setting up a fictitious drug dealer to create chaos. Kim suspects her archenemy Ruby is behind the trouble and begins plotting her retaliation. Ruby’s husband recently discovered his car business had been destroyed by fire, and he blames Kim for the arson.
In a recent episode, Rose settled into the mansion house, preparing breakfast for Will while Kim remained at the B&B. When Ruby arrived, she found herself firmly entrenched in the household and was instructed to step up her game, including seducing Will. Will tried to make peace with Kim but found her preoccupied with Callum. Later, Kim confronted Ruby over her scheme with Rose, discovering a stolen limited edition cognac on the kitchen island. During their heated argument, Kim warned Ruby to stay away from her family or face dire consequences.
The drama intensifies as Rose’s plan to seduce Will seems to progress. As Will drowns his regrets, Rose seizes the moment to lean in for a kiss. Next week promises even more turmoil as Ruby, Kim, and Rose find themselves in high-stakes situations. Kim learns that Ruby and Rose have been conspiring against her, and soon after, a PC Swirling shows up at Home Farm to inquire about Rose’s wellbeing, having found her purse.
The tension escalates as Will and Kim look guilty and argue, while Dawn suggests hiring a private investigator to find Rose. Meanwhile, Ruby worries about her husband’s reaction when Kim reveals Ruby’s deceit to Callum. Kim and Will devise a scheme to trick Dawn into stopping her search for Rose by sending a message from Rose’s phone, though Will is distracted by how Kim obtained Rose’s phone in the first place. Dawn is devastated when she learns that Rose isn’t returning, and Kim confides in Lydia about her troubled marriage.
As the week progresses, Mandy Dingle faces her own financial struggles, adding another layer of drama to the village.