In the upcoming episodes of Emmerdale, Vanessa Woodfield’s jealousy becomes apparent as she struggles with the surprising new friendship between her best friend, Rhona Goskirk, and Mandy Dingle. Vanessa is unhappy next week as Rhona and Mandy start spending more time together, creating an unexpected bond that leaves Vanessa feeling uneasy.
The new friendship between Rhona and Mandy comes as a big surprise to everyone, especially after recent tensions between them. During a double date with Marlon, Paddy, and Mandy, the atmosphere turned sour when Mandy openly criticized Rhona, calling her boring. The issue remains unresolved, but Woolpack’s Gail Loman steps in with a sneaky plan to mend fences between Rhona and Mandy.
By next week’s episodes, the dynamic has shifted. Rhona surprises her husband Marlon by revealing a new tattoo, which catches the attention of everyone at the Woolpack. It seems Rhona is on a mission to prove she’s not as dull as Mandy once claimed. Later, Rhona and Mandy enjoy time together at the café, leaving Vanessa feeling like a third wheel. Her jealousy grows as she watches Rhona and Mandy getting along so well.
The show bosses have also confirmed that fans can expect new scenes featuring Vanessa and her girlfriend, Suzy Merton. In the wake of Vanessa’s jealousy over Rhona, she shares an idea that pleases Suzy. Will this help their relationship grow stronger, or will Vanessa’s envy over Rhona and Mandy’s friendship cause further complications?