In the upcoming episodes of *Emmerdale,* Charity Dingle faces two shocking revelations that leave her reeling. Charity, who is usually well-informed about her family’s matters, is in for a surprise this time. Recently, the Dingles said goodbye to Samson, who was sentenced to four years in prison following his involvement in the false imprisonment of Matty and an assault on Josh. Samson is the biological father of Amelia’s baby daughter, Esther, but has made it clear that he wants nothing to do with fatherhood, which has allowed Amelia’s boyfriend, Noah, to step in as a father figure.
Despite Samson’s recent behavior, Amelia has been worried about him and the future of her daughter, Esther, as she anxiously awaited the outcome of his plea hearing. This concern didn’t sit well with Noah, who tried to convince Amelia that he was a better father figure for Esther than Samson. When Amelia discovered that it was Noah who had tipped off the police about Samson after he assaulted Josh, she broke up with him, deciding she was better off alone.
In tonight’s episode, Amelia confides in Charity about her breakup with Noah, but she lies, claiming they split because they were bored. Sensing something was off, Charity later encourages Noah to open up. Noah eventually admits that he turned Samson in out of jealousy. Charity, knowing the potential backlash from Sam and Cain if they found out, promises to keep Noah’s secret, even though it means going against the Dingle code. Charity’s decision to protect Noah, despite the consequences, highlights just how much she values her son’s safety above all else.