Johnny Freeman, who portrays Rice Co in EastEnders, has recently shed light on the complex motivations behind his character’s questionable decisions. Rice, often known for his bumbling nature, has taken a darker turn as he grapples with significant financial pressures and moral dilemmas. Recently nominated for Best Comedy Performance at the Radio Soap Awards 2024, Rice’s character is now dealing with a serious and emotionally charged storyline. Viewers have seen him using his ex-wife’s money to pay for IVF treatments with Sonia (played by Natalie Cassidy), a decision that, while seemingly twisted on paper, is far more nuanced in reality. Sonia has accepted this decision despite Bianca (Paty Palmer) discovering the truth and attempting to show Sonia the ethical implications.
Freeman explains that while Rice’s behavior may seem darker, it is more a reflection of the pressures and circumstances he is under. “There’s a sense of it being darker, but what we all try and do on all the soaps is try and reflect real life,” Freeman said in an exclusive interview with “People behave differently under different circumstances. Rather than the darker side of Rice, it’s the same character but obviously the circumstances have changed, and he’s perhaps making mistakes to get out of them like anyone under huge pressure. One mistake is made, and it can start to unravel.”
Freeman emphasizes that Rice is ultimately trying to do the right thing, particularly when it comes to his relationship with Sonia. He is desperately trying to hold onto her and make things right, despite his past mistakes. “He’s trying to make the right choice and he’s made mistakes in the past, not least with Sonia. I think he’s desperately worried about losing her,” Freeman noted. Rice believes that if he can resolve the financial and ethical dilemmas he faces, everything will eventually come together. However, whether this optimistic outcome will come to pass remains to be seen, adding a layer of tension and anticipation to the storyline.