James Chase, the actor who portrays the notorious abuser Tom King on Emmerdale, has recently hinted at a possible end for his character. Fans of the ITV soap opera have been horrified by Tom’s abusive and controlling behavior towards his wife Belle, played by Eden Taylor-Draper. In a groundbreaking storyline about coercive control, viewers have seen Tom’s relentless manipulation of Belle.
Next week’s episodes promise even more drama as Tom discovers that Belle had a secret abortion. This revelation comes amid Tom’s destructive behavior, including setting fire to a barn in a rage and getting electrocuted. During a press Q&A, James Chase expressed his belief that Tom’s comeuppance is inevitable, saying, “It’s what he deserves. He can’t get away with it.” He emphasized the need for Belle to get justice and for the audience to see her triumph.
James mentioned that he hopes for at least a prison sentence for Tom, underscoring the necessity for a fitting punishment. Laura Shaw, the producer of Emmerdale, has indicated that the storyline will continue until the end of the year. She emphasized the importance of portraying domestic abuse authentically and truthfully, acknowledging that it is a long-lasting issue for victims.
In the upcoming episodes, viewers can expect to see more characters questioning Tom and Belle’s relationship. Despite some people noticing red flags, the narrative highlights the challenges of recognizing and addressing abuse from an outsider’s perspective. A significant twist is anticipated next week as Tom learns about Belle’s abortion, potentially leading to his downfall.
In recent scenes, Belle, under pressure from Tom to start a family, secretly scheduled an abortion. To avoid Tom’s surveillance, Belle left the village with the help of Amelia, who assisted her in getting to the clinic. Belle managed to deceive Tom by hiding her phone, making it appear she never left the village. However, Tom’s discovery of her actions and his confrontation with Amelia could lead to dramatic consequences.
Meanwhile, actress Jessie Elland, who played Chloe Harris on Emmerdale, has moved on to new ventures. She will make her musical debut in the touring production of “101 Dalmatians,” playing the role of Danielle. Jessie has also announced her first book, “The Haunted House,” set to be published soon.