Emmerdale star Lucy Peta, who portrays Chaz Dingle on the ITV soap, suffered a painful injury on set and shared the news with her Instagram followers. She posted pictures of her scraped and bruised leg, explaining how she got the marks from a woolpack bench. “Taken out by a woolpack bench today,” she wrote. “Don’t worry, it will all be seen on some blooper show, although I’m not sure they have enough bleeps to cover my potty mouth.”
Lucy updated her fans with a second picture showing the worsening bruising, captioned, “Knee update: I’ll live.” Fans quickly responded with well-wishes and jokes about her colorful language matching her character. Some even advised her to stay away from stunt work.
Lucy joined Emmerdale in 2002 and has been part of many major storylines, including an ongoing one about her character’s breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Earlier this year, Chaz was diagnosed with the same type of cancer that her mother, Faith, died from. To prevent further recurrence, Chaz chose to have a double mastectomy.
The soap recently revisited this storyline, providing an update on Chaz’s condition. She informed Gail Lman and Ryan Stocks about a routine hospital appointment and revealed that doctors were pushing her to undergo chemotherapy as a precaution.
Discussing the storyline, which Emmerdale worked on alongside the charity Breast Cancer Now, Lucy shared her thoughts: “When the producers first discussed this storyline with me, I knew I didn’t want us to shy away from any aspect of this diagnosis for Chaz. She saw her own mother die from incurable breast cancer, so for Chaz to receive the same diagnosis herself makes it all the more poignant. Our audience knows her well—they’ve seen her relationships, her faults, her passions, insecurities, quirks, and fears.