In Emmerdale, suspicion about Josh’s involvement in Matty Barton’s storyline continues to escalate. The tension between Josh and Samson Dingle is evident, especially after their trip to Europe on Friday’s episode. Josh’s arrival in the village in May marked the beginning of his bad influence on Samson. The two eventually conspired to threaten Matty during an attempted robbery at the Hide, which spiraled out of control when Josh accidentally pushed Samson, leading to him being stabbed by the knife Matty was holding. Since then, Josh and Samson have falsely claimed that Matty intentionally caused the injury in a vicious attack, resulting in Matty’s arrest and imprisonment.
In tonight’s episode, Josh admits to Sarah that he likes her and asks her out for a drink. As they share a beer at the Woolpack, Sarah commends Josh for showing his face in the pub despite recent events. Josh reveals that he and Samson are planning to move up their trip to Europe. Surprised, Sarah questions the timing of this decision, given the imminent start of Matty’s trial. The conversation becomes heated, prompting Max to intervene and separate them. Later, Max expresses his disapproval of Sarah spending time with Josh, the troublesome newcomer. He speculates to Charity that Josh and Samson might be planning to leave the village to cover up their lies.
As the storyline unfolds, viewers are left wondering if Josh and Samson’s deceit will finally be exposed and what consequences they will face for their actions.