In a dramatic turn of events in Emmerdale, Samson Dingle has created quite a stir, leading to the shocking arrest of Moira Dingle and Mackenzie Boyd. Earlier this week, Moira vowed to take action to free Matty Barton from prison after Josh Cops and Samson set him up for the stabbing incident at the Hide. Determined to clear Matty’s name, Moira enlisted her brother Mackenzie to help pressure Samson into confessing.
As Matty lay in the hospital following a severe beating and harassment by fellow prisoner Robbo, Moira and Mack confronted Samson at Wishing Well Cottage. They urged him to admit his role in the setup. When Moira highlighted the mistreatment Matty faced as a transgender man in prison, Samson broke down. He confessed that Josh had forced him to throw a bottle at Matty, but he doubted reporting Josh would be effective since Josh would deny everything.
Mack countered Samson’s concerns, suggesting that Josh’s lies would be irrelevant if both Matty and Samson presented the same story to the authorities. Under pressure, Samson agreed to go to the police and retract his earlier statement. When they arrived at the station, Samson persuaded Moira to let him go in alone to take responsibility for his actions. Moira assured him not to worry about Josh, as Cain would protect him.
However, things took an unexpected turn when PC Swirling arrived at the farm and revealed that Samson had accused Moira and Mackenzie of kidnapping. As PC Swirling arrested them, Moira and Mack realized Samson had betrayed them. The shocking twist leaves viewers wondering if Moira and Mack will end up behind bars. Sam Dingle, disillusioned with his son, suggests Samson should leave Emmerdale.
On Friday, July 12th, Emmerdale viewers saw the aftermath of Moira and Mack’s arrest. Amy Wyatt informed Moira that Matty had orchestrated his own attack in prison with the help of fellow inmate Les, which fans had feared. Desperate, Moira begged Lydia Dingle to help convince Samson to tell the truth, pleading that she couldn’t bear to lose another child after Holly Barton’s death.
Samson’s friend Josh returned to warn him that betrayal would have serious consequences. This revelation shook Samson, especially after learning Matty had planned his own attack. Frustrated and feeling betrayed, Sam Dingle ordered Samson to leave, ending the episode with Samson considering taking Matty’s place in prison for perverting the course of justice.
Viewers had mixed reactions, with some criticizing Sam’s advice to flee and others believing Samson should own up to his actions. The actor who plays Samson, Sam Paul, hinted at a grim future for his character amid rumors of a potential exit.
In the midst of this turmoil, Emmerdale also paid tribute to the late actor Steve Halliwell, who played Zack Dingle. Steve, who passed away in December, had been a beloved part of the show for nearly three decades. Emmerdale plans to honor him with a special memorial episode, celebrating his legacy as a core member of the Dingle family.