In the latest Emmerdale spoiler video, the moment Samson is finally exposed is revealed. With Matty Barton rushed to the hospital after being beaten in prison, his loved ones are more determined than ever to uncover the truth behind the alleged stabbing of Samson Dingle. Moira, Amy, Cain, and Kerry are convinced of Matty’s innocence, knowing he would never act violently. Meanwhile, Lydia and Sam stand by Samson, who claims to be the innocent victim.
The new footage shows Cain storming into the Dingles’ home, furious after discovering that Samson reported Moira to the police for kidnapping. Moira had tried to force Samson to admit he lied about Matty attacking him unprovoked. Viewers know that Samson is terrified of the repercussions of confessing the truth—that Matty was holding a knife when Samson’s friend Josh pushed him towards Matty, demanding money from The Hide.
Samson’s fear of prison and standing up to Josh has driven him to maintain his lie. Despite efforts from Cain, Moira, and Matty to get him to confess, Samson has only dug in deeper. When Matty confronted Samson, it seemed he might admit the truth, but instead, Samson went to the police, accusing Matty of harassment. This led to Matty being deemed in violation of his bail conditions and subsequently imprisoned, where his life as a transgender individual is in jeopardy.
In the clip, Sam remains steadfast in supporting his son as Cain vents his anger, reminding Samson that Matty is in the hospital because of him. Despite Cain’s plea for Samson to tell the truth, Samson remains silent. Cain also reminds Sam that calling the police on Moira breaks the Dingle code: “We never rat on our own.” Tensions rise as Sam orders Cain out, leading to a brief standoff. Cain eventually leaves, and Samson feels relieved, thinking he has escaped unscathed once again.
However, Lydia’s troubled expression suggests that the support around Samson may be crumbling. Could the truth finally be on the verge of coming out?